Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Happy Place

I hear this phrase used often and tried to think about where mine might be. The last couple of years have been quite stressful but we have managed and are now quite settled. When we decided to move, we wanted the convenience of one floor but I needed a sewing/studio that could house my machines and "stuff". I needed it to be out of sight as the area gets quite disorganized while a project is underway. A loft was the answer and after much procrastination and mild despair, the studio is operating. I cannot do projects when things are not in order. Things are pretty settled now. I try to spend 2-3 hours a day up there and it is paying off.

This Ribbon Star is almost done! I will finish it Thursday - taking a break today and tomorrow.

I shall make this quilt for Olivia and have already started to cut it out.

Afternoons are for needlepoint or knitting. 

The bottom picture is a evening pocketbook.

Below is a metal dollhouse like one I had as a child. I am known for leaving the vacuum in the middle of the floor. Jack does not like that. I have left it in the dollhouse living room. Someone puts it pack in the kitchen. Hmmmmm.

The above pictures are my work areas with machines. So many projects..... But my happy place is here and making "stuff" makes me happy.


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