I am joining Susan from Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday. This is an event where grownups play with dishes and take pictures of what they have done. There are some very pretty dishes and tables out there.
When I moved from my house in Maine into a condominium, I had to downsize. Some of the decisions were painful. However, I found wonderful homes for most of the items and because I have wonderful family and friends I am able to reset the table almost the way my mother did with a few of my own touches.
I started with a beige linen tablecloth which was topped with a sheer cotolene cloth from Spain. This was one of my mother’s favorite looks for the table. I am using her Spode. The silver is mine and the pattern is Homewood by Stieff. Homewood was the name of the estate of Charles Carroll who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
My mother’s silverplate was by Community and the name of the pattern was Forever. I never knew the name of the pattern before but I found it on google. I only have one piece of it now.
Her stemware was American by Fostoria. I have thought of collecting that but I have found it to be quite pricey here in Florida. I have taken a liking to Caprice by Cambridge and I have started to collect that. I find the pattern soothing. It is meant to show the effect of rippling water when a pebble is tossed in (that is what the dealer told me anyway).
The glass plates are Caprice as are the water goblets.
The glasses I am using as wine glasses are Fostoria and the pattern is Ballet. The Caprice and the Ballet are recent acquisitions from a trip to Arcadia, Florida. There are lots of dealers on a street that reminds me of the Wild West.
I found the bowl all dusty in a shop and I believe it is Hobnail by Westmoreland. The candlesticks with the glass hurricanes were my mother’s and used for all holidays. The stockings were made on my embroidery machine and will be stuffed with treats and hung on the back of the chairs like this. They are designs from Anita Goodesign. I find these designs very well digitized and fun to stitch out!

A little candle light makes the crystal sparkle. The silver plate trivet was my grandmother’s.
The napkins and napkin rings are new and the salt and pepper which need to be polished were a wedding gift.
The snowflakes were made from a Martha Stewart kit a few years back. They were fun to make. I will have to see if they are still available!

Wishing all my blogging friends a blessed holiday season and a happy and healthy new year.