If you are easily upset by confusion, read no further. If you think you can keep reading with out screaming, keep going. Remember we are friends!
I was looking for something and got carried away. And with my goal of accomplishment, the time had come. I needed to clean my sewing closet and my studio. When I clean, it gets really bad before it gets better. It is not to late to go back.
Are you still with me? To get on with the search, I needed all the available space in the guest bathroom.
Plus, I was embarrassed. Jack had friends come to visit and he showed them around the house and he showed them this closet and he turned the light on!!!!
So, what’s a girl to do. I had to tackle all parts of the room.

I sorted, I folded, I Goodwilled, I tossed, I packed a box for a friend up north, I arranged….You can get the idea. Every once and a while I would stop and visit a blog or two. I listened to music and my embroidery machine was working full time making lace hearts.
I never found what I was looking for but I did find some things I had forgotten about.
This was my mother’s sewing box. It was tucked away on a bottom shelf. I googled the label but there was not much to find out about the manufacturer. There were some wonderful items inside.
Now, I am supposed to be “working” but my mind is saying, “mosaic, mosiac…..”
However, I have been making progress.
I can actually work in the sewing corner now. I am participating in Donna’s Mug Mat swap. If you would like to see a beautiful blog, visit Donna at Brynwood Needleworks.
The banner is from Mary Hastings of Very Merry Vintage Style and was a fun project.
Now maybe Pottery Barn will let me back in the store!
The guest room is back. Of course today I will start sewing and playing again….I will make a real effort to be neat and organized. The bed folds back up into the wall and it will be back up there as soon as I start working on my projects.
I am joining Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday and Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday. Please stop by and visit these two blogs.
I hope you all have a great week.