I am joining Beverly at
How Sweet the Sound and Karen Valentine at
My Desert Cottage for Pink Saturday and Where Bloggers Create.
This is my little cottage by the lake. You can see some more of it
here. The cottage is not actually mine but I have been there for 8 years in the summer. The owners have become dear friends and I have decorated it with some of my belongings. The name of the cottage is
Querencia. In Spanish, querencia describes a place where one feels safe, a place from which one's strength of character is drawn, a place where one feels at home. It comes from the verb quere, which means to desire, to want.
This little cabin in the woods is where I regained my strength after my husband died and my life took a different path than the one I thought it would follow. I have a wonderful new life now but the cabin is where I still recharge my energies and plan my projects for the year. We cook lots of wonderful food in the cabin and on the grill and focus our efforts on a lot of New England favorites with a little bit of Italian thrown in.
The cottage is mostly red (very, very dark red!) but there are pinks in the quilts and the dishes!
Peonies from Jack’s garden……
Some old quilts……
A new quilt made with old flour sacks…..
And some Kaffe on the loft railings……
This cabin is conducive to creative thoughts. I think and ponder and plan.
I study……some of it sinks in!
Socks are my new project….
A little crocheting….
I look at the lake and into the woods…
I can sit on the glider and look out….
A bit of basil and some parsley…..

Happy Pink Saturday! Where do you create?