Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Busy time of year.....

Once again the blog took a back seat and I feel badly about it. However, I have not been idle. My knitting fingers need a break as I think the wool is rubbing the skin off! Or perhaps it is the dye in the wool. But I am making progress and hope to have this project to my friend Nancy for finishing before I go back to Maine. That date is approaching quickly.

I have a new toy.

Now another gadget needs my participation in the learning curve. Yes, I am giggling....The return of a Polaroid type camera.

And I have been cleaning and moving furniture. Why just last week I moved a grand piano and a sofa.

And as usual I left the vacuum in the middle of the room!
I shall continue to look for "stuff" for the house.

And in my house, I have been cleaning and organizing - closets and cupboards and drawers. I invested in plastic ArtBins and with my trusty Brother PT labeler, I have sorted and put together what needs to be together.

In the process of going through all of this, I found 3 projects that could be completed. They were and went to my friend Lynn at A Quilter's Journey for some long arm quilting. You can read about Lynn's shop on Facebook.

I think I made these miniature Log Cabin quilts 25 years ago. My eyesight was much better then. I found a quilt that was a challenge from my blogging friend Rett at Gazebo House. The challenge was to only use fabric from our stash. I worked on it eagerly and then put it away. I found it while cleaning and two hours later it was done. Now it will grace the dining room table.

And I finished Jack's table runner which will live in Maine.

And the back of it.....

While at the quilt store I bought some placemats. Yes, I could make them but the reality is that I wouldn't. I love the "modern" quilting look. The background fabric and the quilting is as important as the actual "block" which is sort of freeform and cattywampus.

So now back to the knitting!

But first I shall set the table! Have a wonderful rest of the week.


Snap said...

You have definitely been busy. Doesn't it feel good to finish up a project?!!! Very pretty -- quilting and knitting!

Rettabug said...

Oh Carol...your "Cosmic Star" turned out beautifully!! I have a BIG bag of autumnal fabrics just waiting for me to start on mine. Other projects keep getting in the way, though.

Your knitted 'coat of many colors' is coming along beautifully but I'm sorry to hear it is making your hands sore. Ouch! I hope Nancy can complete it for you, so you can use it up north. We've had a frost the past 2 mornings, but today its predicted to reach almost 80º...FINALLY!

I love both the placemats you made for Jack as well as the wonky/crazy ones you bought. They are both very cool & will look great at the cabin on the lake.

I sure hope we can come down to FL next year. I miss you & Donna!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Carol, I love seeing what you have been doing. There is always something wonderful going on with you and your sewing and knitting. These are all beautiful. I know you will enjoy them, and I know the recipient of your knitting will love that as well.

Safe journey back to Maine!


Sheila said...

I know you have been very busy and are now getting ready to return to Maine for the Summer but I am so please to see you back on blogger!!

Your creativity is amazing, I am so jealous!!

I really thought you had been moving heavy furniture around, pleased to see it was just the doll's house.

Hope you have a great Summer at the cabin. I look forward to seeing what else you get up to.

Love Jackie in Surrey, UK.x

Pamela Gordon said...

Carol, your work is exquisite. The knitted item (a shawl?) has gorgeous colours. The quilting colours are stunning. You are a busy and talented lady. Enjoy your trip north to Maine. Blessings, Pamela

Vee said...

You get so much accomplished! And here here to getting some old projects completed. Usually, I toss mine. Sad. Of course, mine don't look anything like yours! It's freezing here. F.r.e.e.z.i.n.g.

Ran into one of my mother's friends yesterday fresh home from Florida and chided her for not bringing some warmth with her. She said that at least she has a new appreciation for all that she missed and added, "But aren't the forsythia glorious?!" Yes, indeed, they are.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful quilts! I especially like the red & white tone one.


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