As I am getting used to this new format in Blogger I realized that I have written 297 posts! So there will be a giveaway to celebrate 300! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and the next 2 and I will enter you in the drawing. If you are a follower, you will get 2 entries for each comment. Only one comment per post! I have not completely decided on the item but I am almost there...
I have just been taking it easy these past few days. Without reliable Internet my blogging has been sporadic at best. I can write the blog with the iPad (giving new meaning to one finger typing). However, I am not enthusiastic about the process. So I have been knitting, reading and taking some pictures.The new modem has arrived! And it works! I spent way too much time on the phone with tech support. The modem was faulty.

I love the yarn from Three Irish Girls. My favorite yarn shop in Sarasota carries this gorgeous yarn and many others. If you are in the area be sure to stop at A Good Yarn and be prepared to visit a while. Their website is
I took a vacation from knitting a few years back but now love to make scarves and shawls and SOCKS! Now having said that I have only recently had success with socks. I have knit three socks. Not a pair - just three different ones. 2 don't fit and I don't have enough yarn to finish the third. However, I am not discouraged because I have no fear of turning the heel anymore and I am making slipper type socks which fit. I am determined though to have a pair of socks that fit by the end of the summer - maybe even two. As for the single socks that are done and waaay to tight, I'm not sure if I can deal with knitting the matching one right away....
I started an exercise class today. Thought it was time. Stretching and strength training....And I signed up for Kim Klassen's Skinny Mini e-course for Photoshop. And I signed up for a Quilt a long. Both buttons are on my sidebar. I am going to my version of this quilt below.
The quilt is called Candied Hexagons and was created by Kerry Dear. I saw it here at Quiltsalott. The photo is by Liz at Broderie. The fabric is on the way as are the templates. I empty the plate and then I fill it right back up again!
I'm trying to decide whether I want an Ipad or a small Mac laptop. Did you consider the laptop?
Beautiful yarn colors and that quilt is magnificent!
Congratulations on your almost "300". I'm a "follower", of course.
Well, you're just trying all kinds of new things, aren't you? I want to learn to knit one of these days. What could you do with those too-tight socks??? Do you have a cat? Cats (and often dogs too) love a sock with a knot tied in it. That quilt is just gorgeous. Looks like a hard one to try.
The yarn is gorgeous Carol, I really admire folks that can knit and crochet so beautifully! Love the quilt too, that will keep you busy for a while-enjoy:@)
That Candied Hexagons is a wild one, but pretty! Can't wait to see your version.
You must stay busy if blogging isn't going to be an easy, fun thing for a while. As for the too tight socks, I'd let them be the good practice they were and carry one with something new. :D
I've learned one thing since crocheting and knitting...yarn is very important. I'm not going to be buying anymore whacky yarn with too many strands that wish to separate and all fluffy and which drive me nuts. I need to look for some nice yarn such as you suggest. There's a yarn and fabric store close, but the prices are steep and I'm too cheap.
Stay cool on the lake. I'm sure it's much cooler there than it'll be anywhere else.
You sure are a busy lady! Great on the exercise class and taking up knitting again. And, congrats on almost 300 posts. Where does the time go? Bloggers know! Blessings, Pamela
Congrats on 300 posts! I am a follower as well. The hexagon quilt looks like lots of fun! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Wow, no shortage of ambition at your house! Have fun!
Hi Carol, Your yarn shop has such beautiful colors. I am trying to talk my hubby in knitting we a snuggle blanket. I don't know if I axxomplish my mission or not. I am one of your followers and I would love to enter your drawing. Try to stay cool. It is 100 degrees as I type this. Your Missouri Friend.
Just reached my first blogiversary, so I am most impressed with your 300 posts. Congratulations! I've enjoyed following your blog. Cherry Kay
You are certainly keeping busy even if you cannot blog. You are so clever with your knitting, quilting, photography etc... I am very envious!!
Take care, love from your friend in UK, Jackie.x
Well I'm trying ot catch up on what's been happening in blog land while I was away but I feel I must start a new project after reading about all the things you're doing. That wool is just beautiful!
Pretty socks! I've got several socks on the go, but am managing to finish none of them.
Congratulations on 300 posts!
Congrats on 300, a milestone that is sneaking up on me as well.
Hey Carol, my head is spinning just reading about all the new activities that you've got lined up.
I have to go lie down now.
Isn't "A Good Yarn" just fabulous! Oh how I wish that I lived closer - I'd reside daily at their corner table, that's for sure.
You and I have a similar love of Sharon from Three Irish Girls as well. That is definitely the best yarn around, at least in my humble opinion.
Captivated by your knitting, then lured into the hex-along! Darn you!
Carol, A Good Yarn is the best, and their special colorways from Three Irish Girls are beautiful. I recognize the slipper sock in the picture - congrats, it's a tad different from traditional socks in it's construction. Have fun with it's mate!
Gosh much to see and talk about in this post. I'll start with the the yarn...I'm still knitting alot, but not much blogging about it. Still working on the Pie Shawl, but have started and finished a couple of things inbetween. Just ordered some beautiful yarn and books from Knit Picks....can't wait for it to come and get started....just what I need another project and WIP. Love the quilt you are going to do...I have some machine quilting to do for myself, but it is too hot in my studio so I'm staying cool and doing some piecing in the sewing room. On CITexas Gal, I'm getting into some Vintage Photo's that I've been collecting. Stop by and see. So good to have a chance to stop and visit. Have a great weekend....Sue
Oh, Carol, this quilt is AWESOME! I love the colors & beauty of it.
Congrats on your 300th.
I follow for sure.
Happy PS weekend ~
You are so lucky to have a yarn shop nearby, and you "love" it. Congratulations on 300 blogs. Goodness..time does fly doesn't it?
Wishing you good health as you start the next 300!! Susan
I tried knitting in college, and I didn't like it at all. I do love crocheting though.
I can't wait to see your version of the quilt.
Hi Carol,
I'm here catching up on blog since being away. I always enjoy looking at your quilts! and other things! And I'm a follower.
Hi Carol Sweetie...
Love those socks, but be still my little heart, ADORE that quilt. Is that not gorgeous? I love to come and see what you have created. You have not stopped amazing me either. I have enjoyed reading all of your posts.
I am a follower of course, so please add me to the drawing. Any one of us would be so lucky to win a prize from you sweet friend.
Have a glorious day. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry
Congrats Carol! Yours is quite stunning. I also like quilting: colors, textures, patterns, and geometry.. all perfectly blends in one big piece, how exciting work:)
Imagine 300 posts. Congratulations for sure. I will echo all the other comments. You are one busy lady. My mother is a wonderful knitter, I wish I had paid more attention to her. She is having a hard time seeing lately so her knitting has slowed down.
300 posts! Not too shabby, there, kid. LOVE that yarn.
Yes, I'm a follower, and now I want to be a little slip of paper in your pot or whatever vessel you are using!
Wonderful colors in this post.
Hi, Lisa of Sall's country life sent me over. Love that sock yarn and quilt, "these are a few of favorite things" by the way. b
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